
The fastest way to get meaningful work experience

Choose your task - get set - go!

Don’t just dream about your future career - complete real-world tasks, activities and projects to help you figure out the right role for you and get the experience you need to secure the job.

Find sprints

Unearth your future career by working on tasks set by industry experts

what it is

Bitesize, on-demand courses based on a real workplace task.

what it does

See if you’ve got what it takes to succeed before you apply.

why use it

Gain the experience you need to successfully apply to the role that you know you’ll love.


Latest work experience Sprints

Build a case team
let's go!
Does your client have a case?
let's go!
Risk assess an excavation site
Site Engineer
let's go!
Fulfill a design brief
Graphic Designer
let's go!
Complete a call sheet
Production Manager
let's go!

How it works


Browse Careers

Browse through a range of workplace tasks to find one based on your dream career - or maybe one that tickles your curiosity. Check out the career and mentor profiles to help you find one that fits your aspirations.


Dive In

Settle in to hear your industry expert mentor outline your task, get familiar with the resources, and dive into the work.


Learn from the experts

Learn from your mentor in video debriefs and compare your work with their model answers to refine your abilities even further.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a Sprint?

Sprints are short online courses that allow you to complete a realistic task from an industry you’re interested in. After receiving a brief from an industry expert and the resources you need, you’ll upload your work and receive access to a debrief and model answer.

What device should I use?

Sprints can be accessed using a computer - for the best experience, use the Chrome browser.

How long do Sprints take?

Sprints can take anywhere from 30-90 minutes. This is because Sprints reflect real-world workplace tasks, which might be quicker or more time-consuming.

What age groups are Sprints for?

Sprints are most suitable for 14-18 year olds.

What career areas can I complete a Sprint in?

We’re working on bringing you Sprints in every sector - stay tuned for more!

Are Sprints on-demand?

Yep - Sprints are completely on-demand, meaning there are no live aspects and no closing date. Complete each Sprint whenever suits you!